Innova is a Partnership between Network Rail and IJM Corporation Berhad . Innova has been formed to develop under-utilised Network Rail land using private investment.

A resourceful partnership

Through a partnership approach, Innova aims to leverage the strengths and capabilities of both entities by integrating Network Rail’s in-house property expertise and infrastructure engineering knowledge with the extensive resources and innovative mindset of IJM Land.

Innova aims to realise the untapped development potential of redundant railway property assets.


By collaborating with IJM, Network Rail can accelerate the process of property development, resulting in the generation of capital that can be reinvested into its core infrastructure without additional burdens being placed on taxpayers and rail users.

It also allows Network Rail to leverage IJM’s expertise in large-scale infrastructure projects, leading to more efficient and innovative project designs and executions.

Transformative collaboration

Innova represents an amalgamation of public sector proficiency with private sector dynamism.

By focusing on a collaborative, partnership-driven approach, Innova is poised to transform the landscape of railway property development and contribute significantly to the sustainable development of infrastructure in the UK.


Innova Partnership is the trading name of Innova Partnership Management Limited, a limited liability company registered in England and Wales with registered number 14635681.